Currently enabled catalogs
Data schema
Schema URL:
name | type | required | title_en | title_zh | searchable | descriptionen |
primary_id | text | y | Primary ID | Primary ID | y | A unique (within this data file) identifier for this row |
title | text | y | Title | 書名 | y | The title of the item |
author | text | y | Author | 作者 | y | The author of the itemi |
edition | text | n | Edition | 版本 | y | The edition of the textual object |
collection | text | n | Collection | 叢書 | y | The title of the collection to which the textual object belongs |
Fulltext_Read | bool | n | Full-text view | 全文閱讀 | n | Resource allows viewing of full-text content |
Fulltext_Search | bool | n | Full-text search | 全文檢索 | n | Resource allows full-text search |
Fulltext_Download | bool | n | Full-text download | 全文下載 | n | Resource allows full-text export/download |
Image | bool | n | Scanned image view | 提供底本掃描版 | n | This resource has online full-text functionality |