Currently enabled catalogs

Short nameFull nameMetadata URLData URLLast updatedProject and license
ctextChinese Text Project 19:45:45
kanripoKanseki Repository 19:46:18

Data schema

Schema URL:

primary_idtextyPrimary IDPrimary IDyA unique (within this data file) identifier for this row
titletextyTitle書名yThe title of the item
authortextyAuthor作者yThe author of the itemi
editiontextnEdition版本yThe edition of the textual object
collectiontextnCollection叢書yThe title of the collection to which the textual object belongs
Fulltext_ReadboolnFull-text view全文閱讀nResource allows viewing of full-text content
Fulltext_SearchboolnFull-text search全文檢索nResource allows full-text search
Fulltext_DownloadboolnFull-text download全文下載nResource allows full-text export/download
ImageboolnScanned image view提供底本掃描版nThis resource has online full-text functionality